Friday, May 17

08 Who is Türk Kizilay Mehtap BAYKAL?

Türk Kizilay current (2023) communications Director Mehtap BAYKAL. Previously worked as an office cleaner in a private company. It is said that her rise was dramatic due to her big earnings with scamming.

The romance scam mastermind, the Kizilay Turkish Red Crescent, Director, Mehtap BAYKAL, manipulates the “human emotion” of the victims to collect money using her position and lies. She will promise to relocate the same refugee to dozens of victims and collect money from everyone. In this case, Mehtap BAYKAL promises the same refugee Falmaali’s relocation to many people. See the evidence below.

Türk Kizilay director Mehtap BAYKAL works in a reputable organisation the Turkish Red Cresent. She uses her position to convince the victims to collect money for refugee relocation. These are the identifications she uses to convince the victims in her email communications:

Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL
Director of Corporate Communications
Turkish Red Crescent Society
Kızılay Headquarters
Ataç-1 Sokak No:32 Yenişehir (06420) Çankaya Ankara Türkiye

Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL Refugee Camp address:
Merkez District, Hatay Province, Antakya Türkiye
P.M.B. 304, CH-1201 Boynuyogun, Antakya Türkiye
Tel: +905 3768 8 56**

Contact Information:
WhatsApp + 905 5271 9 99**
Tel: +905 5395 3 99**

Email 1: mehtap.b****@refuge****.com

Note: For authorities Mrs BAYKAL’s email, signatures, digital footprint and related evidence is available. Please contact admin at kizilay dot info for evidence.

Türk Kizilay Mehtap BAYKAL what does she do?

Türk Kizilay Turkish Red Crescent Director, Mrs Mehtap Baykal, uses her position and power to do the following illegal activities based on the evidence shown below: a) Using refugee relocation as facade Mehtap BAYKAL runs scam operation. She collects money from dozens of victims for the same refugee. b) Mehtap BAYKAL deliver sex services using refugees c) Mehtap BAYKAL runs an extortion scheme using refugees. The victim’s attorney is investigating Mrs BAYKAL further as he couldn’t get any support from the Kizilay Turkish Red Crescent CEO Dr. Ibrahim Altan and President Prof. Dr. Fatma Meriç Yılmaz.

a) Türk Kizilay Mehtap BAYKAL’s scam operation

Turk Kizilay Director Mrs BAYKAL uses vulnerable refugees as pawn for her scam operation. She uses the refugees as her accomplice. She collects money from the victims in the name of refugee relocation. Before relocating them, she use them to be romance scam bait. Romance scam bait tells tragic stories to get the victim’s empathy. They creates fake profiles on matrimonial sites like,, tinder, Facebook and other social media sites. Once they successfully lure them, they ask the victims to contact Officer Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL for relocation.

Then, the victims contacted Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL. Many victims research Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL and discover she is a director in a reputable organisation, the Turkish Red Crescent (Turk Kizilay). Some victims even try to verify her identity with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL uses her official designation and phone number to gain the victim’s trust. In her email, she explains to the victims she works for the Red Cross and Red Crescent. To protect her identity, she uses personal email but provides excuses that there is no corporate IT facility in the refugee camp. She also preemptively registers a police case that someone else uses her name. It is an old-style known criminal act. Criminals first report that their car is stolen before using it to commit a crime. She doesn’t realise that some of her victims are intelligent people. They have contacted her office to validate her identity. Some victims have even collected irrefutable evidence for the court of law.

After romance bait, Falmaali successfully creates a romantic relationship with the victims; she refers them to the Türk Kizilay Turkish Red Crescent Director, Mehtap BAYKAL. She praises how amazing the Red Crescent officer Mrs BAYKAL, is. Mrs BAYKAL uses her position in the Turkish Red Crescent to convince the victims they can trust her. She uses language like, I am a mother, I will make sure Falmaali is safe and securely reach to your hands.

Mehtap BAYKAL starts the scam operation by asking for low money to create trust relationship bonds. Most victims get convinced. Oh, it’s not much. Once she gets her first instalments, she raises the bar, asking for more money. Mrs BAYKAL’s excuses keep growing. $2,480 becomes $5,000. But it doesn’t stop there. It keeps moving forward. Now, she jumps to another $5,000. She continues creating pressure until the victims are exhausted and run away.

What is fascinating is that she runs a very effective and smooth operation. While collecting money from the victims and making fake promises, her romance scam baits are in high-speed operational mode to lure the victims. The romance scam bait calls the victim’s husband and promises tantric sex services to please the victim over the phone. Once the victims fell into the trap, she referred them to the Turkish Red Crescent (Turk Kizilay) Director, Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL.

Below romance scam bait, Falmaali is referring Mrs BAYKAL to the romance scam victim Adel and many others by email. Actual email details are hidden to protect the identity of the romance scam victims and the scam bait. All details, including the digital signatures, are available for law enforcement agencies.

Emails from the Turkish Red Crescent (Turk Kizilay) Director, Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL, to the victim. Every single promise made in the email turned out to be a lie. For example, Mrs BAYKAL said the refugee would be airlifted to Istanbul. Refugees actually travel by bus. She said all the documentation will be provided to the sponsor while the case progresses. Mrs BAYKAL never offered a single update about the documentation. Upon pressure, she explained, the victim is not trustworthy enough to show the documentation. It will violate the refugee’s safety. But she keeps making promises to send the refugee to the victim, who is not trustworthy. The readers will discover that Mrs BAYKAL does not only manufacture lies. She will say anything to get your money. Once she gets the money, her statement will keep moving like flood waters.

On September 6, 2023, the Turkish Red Crescent Director, Mrs Methap BAYKAL, asked a new victim Alhasan to pay for Falmaali’s (name change for refugee protection) relocation from the refugee camp to his home country to the USA. Mrs BAYKAL proposes to relocate Falmaali from the Boynuyogun refugee camp for USD $2,400.

But with Mohammed’s payment of USD $2,480, Mrs. BAYKAL already relocated Falmaali from the Boynuyogun refugee camp to Istanbul refugee relocation apartment on May 21, 2023. Later Falmaali is supposed to be relocated to Canada.See the evidence below.

Türk Kizilay Turkish Red Crescent Director, Mehtap BAYKAL, confirms with the victim via WhatsApp chat about Falmaali moving out from the refugee camp to the Istanbul apartment on this May 21, 2023, 2:35AM chat.

b) Turk Kizilay Director Mrs BAYKAL’s sex services using refugees

When the victim was in Ankara, Turkey, he realized Turk Kizilay Director Mrs BAYKAL may not be only a romance scam mastermind. She may be involved in much more criminal activities based on her continuous manufactured lies. But it must be proven. Hence, the victim asked someone to contact Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL and ask for sex services using refugee Falmaali or another woman from the refugee camp. Turk Kizilay Director Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL agreed to deliver a refugee from the camp for USD $2,000. She not only agreed to send Falmaali to the client’s hotel room for sex service, she also arranged a phone call from Falmaali to the client. Here is the evidence.

July 31, 2023, 4:50AM (Turkey local time) The Turkish Red Crescent (Turk Kizilay) Director, Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL, asked for $2,000 to be transferred to her bank account for the delivery of the refugee within four days to the customer hotel for sex services. As the customer didn’t transfer the money, she arranged for Falmaali to call the customer on August 3, 2023, 7:54AM (Turkey local time). Here is the screenshot of the call from Falmaali to the sex service customer.

Telephone number 90 553 953 9927 belongs to the Turkish Red Crescent Director, Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL’s unit. Falmaali called the sex service recipient. All her refugees use this number to contact the victims. The victim has more information for law enforcement agencies.

c) Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL’s extortion operation

The Turkish Red Crescent director Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL extortion operation is unusual. Her refugees sent the following emails to the victims. Once the victim falls into the trap, Mrs BAYKAL asks them for a small amount of money and continues the extortion process. Here are the emails sent by her refugee baits.

The law enforcement agencies may consider asking the Turkish Red Crescent ((Turk Kizilay) Director Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL where does $2.5 million comes to her refugees who can’t pay for their food?

Here is the most tragic part. The Turkish Red Crescent (Turk Kizilay) Director Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL’s scam was reported to the Turk Kizilay, IFRC, UNHCR, UN Women, IOM The International Organization for Migration. The only organisation that responded with integrity was the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Neither Turk Kizilay nor any other UN organisation responded.

The victims sincerely appreciate the tremendous humanitarian work UNHCR is doing by managing close to 4 million refugees in Turkey with a limited budget. Hence, if 1,000 refugees are smuggled, they may be unable to stop it. But when a smuggler is reported with solid evidence, at least they could initiate a police complaint. Let the law enforcement agencies deal with it. Why silence? Is Mrs Mehtap BAYKAL correct in saying she gives kickbacks and no one can do anything to her?